COMPLETE GUIDE to Samsung Notes on the Galaxy S23



Can the Samsung Notes app be opened on the web? Is there any ...

No you cannot open the Samsung Notes app on iOS. The iOS Notes app will only open its own notes on your iPhone, iPad and Mac.

How do I access my Samsung Notes on the web?

Log in to your account, then in the upper right there a OneNote button. That'll have all of your synced notes.

How to Access Samsung Notes On a PC

Search for Samsung Notes in the Microsoft Store. Select Get to download the app. · If you can't use the store, enter winget Samsung Notes into ...

Samsung Notes

With Samsung Notes you can create notes containing texts, images with footnotes, voice recordings, and music. Moreover, you can share your notes easily.

Samsung Notes

評分 4.8 (10,263,569) · 免費 · Android Samsung Notes 可以在手機、平板電腦或PC 上建立和編輯文檔,並與其他人合作。 使用者可以使用S Pen 在PDF 中新增註釋,並建立具有圖像或語音的文件。

Samsung Notes

評分 2.0 (101) · 免費 · Windows 藉助Samsung Notes,您可以使用S Pen 建立包含註解、備忘錄、圖像、語音或音樂等內容的筆記。 嘗試建立新筆記。 您可以輕觸主螢幕右下角的+,建立新筆記。 新建筆記的副檔名 ...

Samsung Notes

Take note of everything with Samsung Notes. Write, draw, and highlight in a variety of styles and colors with the S Pen. Add photos and voice memos.

Use Samsung Notes on your Samsung PC

Create memos and reminders on your Samsung PC with the Samsung Notes app. You can write notes using the keyboard, the S Pen, your finger, or your voice!

[Guide] How to Access Samsung Notes on PC?

On Windows PCs, including Windows 10 and 11, you can download Samsung Notes from the Microsoft Store, and you can use Microsoft OneNote to access Samsung Notes ...


NoyoucannotopentheSamsungNotesapponiOS.TheiOSNotesappwillonlyopenitsownnotesonyouriPhone,iPadandMac.,Logintoyouraccount,thenintheupperrightthereaOneNotebutton.That'llhaveallofyoursyncednotes.,SearchforSamsungNotesintheMicrosoftStore.SelectGettodownloadtheapp.·Ifyoucan'tusethestore,enterwingetSamsungNotesinto ...,WithSamsungNotesyoucancreatenotescontainingtexts,imageswithfootnotes,voicerecordin...